2016 Allianz National Football League

Gooch bottles the free.

Flynn has been shite.

Donaghy :smile:

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Completely losing the rag now. :smile:

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:smile: No harm.

Very enjoyable first half…Dublin should be more ahead.

Good game.

I expect McManaman to come on and seal the deal for Dublin in the last 10 minutes.

I’ve just taken +2.5 goals at 7 to 2

HT score ye useless cunts?

I thought you were joking. I didn’t expect any more than 55k. Box Office is right. This has been an engrossing tussle so far.

What did sock do on the Kerry lads?

Bad challenge there from Enright.

kerry are filthy and very cynical

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Crowley is all action…great bit of stuff.

Does Fionn Fitzgerald have a very big head or very small body?

Kerry’s major tactic now is to get Darren O’Sullivan to kick it in high into Donaghy…Dublin dealing with it well though.

Kinsella isn’t giving much to Kerry here

Another soft free for the dubs

O’Mahony gone, the knacker.

Red card for O’Mahony.

No harm, he’s a right cunt.