2016 Allianz National Football League

Conor McGregor there on the hill.

That wasnā€™t o se

Rock has cost me a lot of e kudos.

Kerry out on their feet now


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Ciaran Kilkenny MOTM, well deserved.

Kerry donā€™t like it up 'em.

Dublin simply far too good.

He got absolutely roasted by Brogan too. A vastly overrated footballer who should really have bowed out a year or two back.

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It was Lyne not o se

The qpr reject gets a yellow

Darren Oā€™Sullivan must be wondering why he quit the day job now.

Tell ya going to be player of the year this year

Dublin showing some class here by not running up the score. :clap:

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About time donaghy got booked

Serious talent in both codesā€¦


Different level. Being able to replace a third of their team with equally good players. They are moving up and down a 130m football pitch like a basketball court. That takes some work.

11 pts in Gaelic Football is some hidingā€¦



Total Gaelic football.