2016 College Football: The Road to Tampa, FL

Another defeat for the Irish, surely the thoroughly unlikeable Brian Kelly is toast.

Tennessee @ Texas A&M shaping up to be a good one.

Aggies up 7-0.

The Vols are looking good in the open field, Dobbs is a joy to watch.

Oooft, what a beautifully designed play that was. 7-7 in College Station.

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Wow, Houston down 27 - 41 to Navy, end of the 3rd.

Midshipmen are always tricky opponents with their triple option.

Fucking hell, Tennessee and their lack of ball security.

Déjà vu.

Tennessee, at one point down 28 - 7, are starting a drive to tie this game up.

6 minutes to go.

Looks like Tennesse may have gone to the well once too often.Down 14 with 3 minutes to go.

Fuck, Tennessee still alive.

Oh my fucking Jesus. What a play by Malik Foreman. This Tennessee team is magic.

There it is. Comeback completed.

To recap: Tennessee, down 14, get the ball back with 3 mins to go and drive the field to score a TD. A&M have the ball, RB breaks a long run and Foreman comes from nowhere behind him to punch the ball out just before the A&M player scores, forcing a touchback and giving Tennessee a chance.

And theyve now tied it.


35 yard field goal for the Aggies to win this. Once Butch is done trying to ice the kicker

He fucking missed it!!!

These Vols are impossible to kill.

The delectable Ali LaForce got it right there, the Tennessee magic ran out.

7 turnovers ain’t going to get it done.

Not a bad drive that, but missed FG hands it over to Clemson for their first drive.

Fumble and turnover!

Big head shot there

Oooft, that was some lick put on the Clemson player.

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