2016 Ulster Senior Football Championsip - Its happening again

I cant possibly see how that could go wrong.

Ulster Championship, its box office bitch.

One of the Derry forwards in an awkward tangle, if rumors are to be believed

I’ve heard similar. He made the right choice though from the evidence presented before me.

I’ll take a PM

What is this, boys?

PM please, chaps.

It’s extremely defamatory and potentially libelous. I’d need clearance from @Rocko before using any PMs.

A no-brainer all things being equal. Which they weren’t obviously.

PM there Ted.

Pm as well please. It’ll take my mind off united



Pm if you wouldn’t mind Sir.

I’d appreciate a personal message with the details of said rumour, please.

I’m always sane, careful and responsible in possession of any potentially libellous rumour that may damage the good name of somebody who has to get up for work in the morning.




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Pm please

Jog on.

PM pleesh