2017 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

We’ve beaten London in 2011and Clare in 2010. That’s about it.

I see the rumour that Healy offered his resignation after the league is becoming more prominent online.

Cork will beat Tipperary.

If it were on in Thurles I’d fancy Tipp heavy. 50-50 game in the Pairc.

You don’t offer resignations. You hand them in and go.

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Take that up with Peader Healy mate.

Obviously this is a “rumour” i told ye about 2-3 months ago.

He was out of his depth as the main man. He is a support coach all the way. But how he got it after the regression in Dr. Crokes god only knows.

This is the CB fault. Appointme t after appointment since Counihan has been on inexperienced people who just don’t rock the boat.

The Management ticket that was needed 2 years ago was John Cleary in charge, Kevin Murray as coach and Billy Morgan in am advisory role. Murray is highly respected by the UCC crowd, Cleary by the older AI winning 21’s and Morgan a legend.
They all have a philosophy to match Gavin or Kerry. Play confident attacking football. They all worked together in different roles over the years, even outside of football. It was a great fit.

But that boat sailed. Cleary is apparently never going to get involved under present CB, Murray is innolved with the Camogie and Hockey and obviously Billy only comes in with the others.

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It’s still a rumour.

It depends on what level you determine a rumour.

L1 - Peadar Healy told me it happened
L2 - Someone at the meeting told me he said it
L3 - Someone who one trusts was relayed the information by either of the top 2.
L4 - You heard it from a player
L5 - You heard it from a relation of a player
L6 - You heard it at work from a work mate
L7 - You heard it in the pub
L8 - You read it in a forum

I have L3, L5, L6, L7, L8.

Do i fully believe it based on that basis? No.

Is it likely true? Yes.

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A rumour is something unconfirmed, that is unconfirmed.

If the manager wanted to resign he would, there is nothing entwining him to the job. Anyway, surely the players have to ship an awful lot of the blame? Management and county board politics, if as bad as you claim, are only part of the problem, Cork should always be beating Waterford comfortably in football.

How many of the best players in Cork who can play are not making themselves available for the footballers?

Would you not leave Billy off at this stage. Has he not done enough for yee? He was winning All Irelands quarter of a century ago ffs

RTE have Rory Brennan’s profile picture as Ronan O’Neill. :rollseyes:

Dreadful miss from an easy free by Harte and now misses another easy opportunity.

Conall McCann has lovely hair.

Derry very poor so far.

Soft free there, Bradley just seemed to lean in and fall over.

Ulster football is cat…

Very flat and subdue atmosphere at this. Not what you would normally associate with the Ulster football championship

Great score from Bradley after we made a mess of that attack.

Tipp and Kerry will get better tests from the weaker counties in Munster this year .

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Derry’s discipline is awful.

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