2017 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Iā€™ve been impressed with Carlow I wasnā€™t expecting them to be as good as this.

Dublin have been muck. Big improvements needed.

Michael Lawlor got 6 months for touching a linesman once. Galvin for 24 weeks for slapping a notebook

Murphy is a fucking clown, canā€™t help himself. Has had every opportunity in lifeā€™s handed to him and just pisses it away each time.


I d expect Paul Galvin to be pulled in and punished

Carlow are like most counties, they have a few footballers who would hold their own in any company. Its getting the best available players interested and on to the field thatā€™s the real battle.

Reality is Dublin were in 2nd maybe 3rd gear at a push and approached the game in a lazy complacent manner.

If Connolly is missing for 12 weeks it could be a blessing in disguise for Dublin. He deserves a ban for what he did.

Hopefully Carlow can build on this have a good run in the qualifiers.

What did he do?

Shoved the linesman

Fucking donkey

Heā€™s a tramp

Comerford and Mcgeeny currently serving suspensions for similar infractions with officials.

Iā€™m sure the anti Dublin clique will keep this to the forefront of the medias attention.

DC will then possibly get off on an appeal on some technicality.

Hopefully not. Dublin shouldnā€™t appeal the ban either. Time the pig ignorant fucker learns a lesson.


Its a pity heā€™s such a cunt,heā€™s one of the best footballers in Ireland.

On what grounds would they appeal any suspension?

Linesman leant into him

So, none then.

They will find one no doubt

Sickening to see the lack of protection given to the countryā€™s top footballer by the linesman.

Dermo well within his rights there.

No better boys to