2017 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Handbags at most,

Thereā€™s a vicious vendetta against the best Gaelic footballer in the country.

Thats a load of bollocks.

The linesman was lucky to get away with a shove in fairness. He wouldnā€™t be laughing in poor Dermos face with a broken jaw for example

A broken cheekbone rather than a broken jaw would have been just reward for the linesman, I feel.

Iā€™m a great believer in a proportional response.

Yeah poor auld dermo,theyā€™re always picking on him.

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Heā€™s sledged the whole time pal.

He threw a punch one night after a few pintsā€¦give the fella a break.

Fuck him,I suppose you wouldnā€™t mind having your jaw broke by an intercounty player,shut you could get a selfie after.

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Iā€™m not on any social media pal, other than this fine board.

Never had my jaw broken either.

At one stage this evening, and not sure if it was caught on camera but the Carlow runt (not @theRunt) - No2 I think - was giving Dermo loads and DC just held yer man at arms length be the noggin. ''Twas funny on a night of absolute dirge

As an aside the GAA need to lay the fuck off playing absolute scutter ā€˜musicā€™ at halftime and end of matches


Does it only hurt if an inter county player does it?

They will something obscure like the ref didnā€™t dot an i in the report. :grinning:

although Connolly shouldnt be banned as there are countless examples of other players doing this kind of shit why the fuck would a gga player from De Duds be so worked up for a game vs Carlow

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Absolutely. He should have been concentrating on getting his black card and ban out of the way. The stupid cunt


Heā€™s actually like a child. Reminds me off a prick I used to play with on the college team. He kept getting yellow cards nearly every game and the odd red. Not even over bad tackles which isnā€™t so bad. Over being a prick and at off the ball shit. Nagging at the ref and arguing over tiny pointless things etc. just like Connolly.

Genuinely must be a bit of frontal lobe missing or something in them. Letting your team down because you have hard man complex is as sad as it gets. Dublin should have dropped him a long time ago in place of someone with discipline. Even if he is as good as he isā€¦heā€™s useless because heā€™s only available when heā€™s not suspended or sent off or in the middle of some shitstorm whilst getting negative PR.

If he didnā€™t play football no doubt he be infront of a judge every two months instead of the CCCC

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We all know them types lad,fuckin wankers,great ability no manners.

Dermo is so useless and let his team down so much heā€™s won ten national titles.

Gā€™wan Dermo.

Never said heā€™s useless. Great player but just a aggro dope. Itā€™s just sad at county level to need that much babying. If Dublin werenā€™t as good as they are his discipline would be a bigger issue for his teamā€¦

Nothing only a tramp

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They only people Dermoā€™s indiscipline is an issue for are the people he assaults.

Fuck 'em.

Gā€™wan Dermo.

Thereā€™s a fucking miss in this Connolly lad in fairness. A top drawer footballer, he constantly allows himself get dragged into altercations that end in quarrelsome debates at CCCC level.

For all their deep pockets Dublin havenā€™t managed to reel this issue in and here we go again. Galvin was much the same - arguing and adjudicating and eventually executingā€¦until Boom - a suspension.

Youā€™d think in this day and age lads would grow up in their own heads and learn to get on with it.

On the Carlow side of it, that Murphy lad appears another wally ( although with Cooper scalding the hole off you youā€™d have some justification).

Memories of John Maughan, in the famous shorts in Castlebar in 96, buck-leppin after Mayo fell over Leitrim as he rocked onto the field in high vis jubilationā€¦Winker Flanagan, whoā€™d put in a mighty hour stemming the tide at wing back, levelled the stupid cunt with a haymaker to the jaw.


What we got here is, failure to communicate