2019/2020 UEFA Champions League - Round of 16 Draw

Nice rendition of Fuck UEFA there

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I’d take 1-2 here now.

When City win the Europen Cup it will be the feelgood story of the sporting year

Oooh, that’ll tell 'em.

Nothing will trump wexford winning tbe AI.

That and PJ

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Given City’s history of harbouring paedophiles I really don’t think the word “feelgood” is ever appropriate in connection to them.

Mahrez is some ham

Limerick footballers winning Munster will be 2020 romance story

Sid shown up again.:grinning::grinning::grinning:

To be fair if Manchester City were any use they’d have won that about 4-0. Real Madrid are absolutely shit and won’t win another European Cup for donkey’s years.

You can bate tradition.
City have no guts.
Peps a fraud

Some right fucking tulips here

This will ruin some lads night

Lads absolutely seething at me getting it right :smiley:.

They’re driven demented, particularly @anon78624367.

The sidney bot is gone into overdrive

Hey bitch boy, keep seething. :smile:

I hope you boyz go on and do it… And then disappear.

Great result for Lyon

That would be a nightmare for the security forces after the terrorist attack on the Manchester City bus in Liverpool two years ago.

Where’s the final on this year?
