2019 LOI season premier division- #thegreatestleagueintheworld

poor from Regbha

They only recently added a stand to make it big enough to hold that. Capacity was 6k before then


there was 8k in the X when CCFC played Dk in march 2017 on a sat afternoon
yesterday there was 2k there v sligo and now they’re in a relegation battle
what a horrid club


You could stomach watching a team winning ugly. But losing/drawing ugly isn’t very attractive.
TBF though it was Sligo on a bank holiday Monday night. Hardly a glamour tie

Paul Corry is way too posh for LOI

There was temporary stands the night they played Real Madrid .

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy was there temp stands there the night ye played Juventus ?

I think so

Defo for the Europa league games

The tweet says biggest crowd for a league game

the Juventus game was Europa League


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Looking at twitter tonight the LOI fans are even needier cunts than hurling folk

Bohs fans think they invented football.
As a LOI fan I find John “Johnny”Ward insufferable


really? he is one of the few media folk with a gra for our league

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I used to like him,and as you said he has a genuine interest in LOI, but find he goes over the top a lot of the time now
Or more likely I’m getting more bitter as I get older

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The latter, a bit like us all really. Johnny’s media profile quite high recently, OTB Twitter etc, few lads on here call him a cunt, so the rest have to fall in line. He’s an Alright Sort in my book


Yep, Johnny is an alright sort.


looks like @padjo and the EPL boys are outraged


They were a year ago anyway.

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