2020 All Ireland Senior Football Championship.Blame the dubs

Mcentee is the wrong man to have there …he’d hate to make excuses for not winning no matter how relevant they are …

They should have bought Turlough o Brien in


Gilroy had evidence of the money McEntee took from Boden. He showed him it before they went on air. McEntee was neutered from the off.

Ewans the man for the job

Ewan is past it I’m afraid.

You can’t be taken seriously as a journalist if your using such terrible language and making personal insults to Gilroy on Twitter.

But you think des Cahill or Joanne can be taken seriously protecting an agenda. I’ll take foul language over propagandists.

He’s the exact person dubs want .he’s just angry and makes it personal so everybody loses interest and makes his original good point redundant.

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Run it on an electoral constituency basis.

Dublin have lost two games in the last ten years of championship football, and some try argue that teams can get close to them or that there isn’t much of a gap?

It’s done. It’s not even a debate anymore. This is a great Dublin team with some fantastic players, but the competition is a farce. Most sports try have some sort of equalization, whether salary caps or drafts or financial spending conditions. The Gaa took the notion to give the biggest populated county, with the most self financed commercial revenue, who have the national stadium as their own, and a national training centre financed for them, and give them the most money for coaching resources.

But not only give them this money, but gave those clubs 5 years of coaches who moved or settled or may have already been in Dublin, but first dibs on a small pool of full time coaches whilst actively stopping other counties doing the same and only ten years after this, finally started allowing clubs outside Dublin do the same on a phased and limited basis and to a select few counties.

But yeah, there’s no gap.


These stats are some pile of gee

I hear you but he’s not going to sugercoat it for fear of being out of favour by rte. They would never have him though, they are firmly on message with the project.

Like the championship format debate there are too many competing solutions to the problem. Those looking for change need a unified approach. Dublin are always going to be the best team from now on but surely like all dominant teams in other sports they’ll start losing and playing badly from time to time. Sure international football rugby etc don’t always go to biggest richest countries. Look at celtic in the Scottish league this year.

National training centre?

It’s incredible supposedly intelligent men can’t see this.

Myself and MBB have been saying this for close to ten years. Just takes others longer to see what’s in front of their face I guess.

People get way too worked up about Des.

I seriously question how many counties are ‘maximising their resources’ or even close to it? Mayo, Monaghan, Cavan, Donegal maybe.

Cork, Galway, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow, all massively underperforming for years given population size. That’s a bigger issue than Dublin.

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Ok there comical Ali, that’s a bigger issue than the county with the most resources getting massive disproportionate help when they didn’t need it alright. Let’s focus on other counties. Why don’t they just volunteer harder?

How about the point raised about first concentrating on county boards making bad decisions instead of worrying about dubs ? wexford footballers recent managerial appointments a perfect example.

He’s not from Tipp, I wouldn’t waste too much time on him

I know but hes too easy to beat