2020 All Ireland Senior Football Championship.Blame the dubs

A second national stadium to play all Irelands in so Dublin don’t have home advantage could be a game changer

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Of course they do but the style, while impressive, is robotic.

Gilroy is correct about needing the right people there to maximise the money…you can’t give any Muldoon of a county board a trailer load of cash and think they’ll put right structures in place.

I wonder if we agreed to put Pillar back in as manager would that even things up sufficiently. No needs for splits or amalgamations

Is the use of Abbotstown and college facilities like DCU, where Dublin do not have to put in significant expenditure, an advantage that the majority of other counties do not have? Again, getting bogged down in one comment I made as an overall point.

Dublin GAA have a significant amount of “natural” advantages that the majority of other counties do not have. In spite of all of this, the GAA decided to pump millions upon millions into Dublin GAA that they did not offer to other counties. In sporting terms, the usual objective of the organisers is to ensure that you have a fair contest. The GAA went out of their way to make this proportionally unbalanced and the rich got much much richer.

This is one comment I absolutely hate and is beyond condescending to pretty much everyone outside of Dublin. you dont get money because you cant spend it right. So give it all to Dublin instead.

As it currently stands, the coaching development funding is all done through provincial councils. The club and county GDAs and GPOs are technically employed through their province, not the county. Also as it currently stands, the club coaching initiative, given for free to Dublin clubs for numerous years, is now being rolled out in a select few counties and has been put on hold for any further counties to try get it.

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Can anyone explain why money disbursed by HQ for coaching etc isn’t given out on a per capita basis?

Surely a simple enough starting point would be say, right, the vast majority of funding for coaching is going to be divided equally based on how many players there are?

That is a complete misrepresentation of what Gilroy said.there’s clear cases of money being spent appallingly by county boards…there’s blind hatred of anything Dublin say that people can’t see past.it’s real narrow minded.

I’ve no issue with what the GAA or Dublin did. They wanted to increase participation and to expand the game, not only spend it on what they have. My issue, as it always has been, is that it wasnt afforded to anywhere else and was a closed shop

sorry, what?

you may also have missed the part where its not down to the county board to spend the money, it comes from provincial level

Think @Julio_Geordio mentioned something about it yesterday but does anyone know if Cork have more playing numbers than Dublin?

I thought it was clear enough myself. The battle lines are drawn though, the blind refuse to see. If they could just accept the reality of the incredible benefits they were given, they might be able to enjoy their domination more and not always be on the defensive.

So County boards don’t spend money?

Counties looking for quick fixes paying a fortune to outside managers. Who then deliver the sweet sum of fuck all. Dublin footballers avoided that trap even during darkest days.

Would you fuck off, ye tried to poach Micko from Laois in 04/05 :rofl:

are we talking about the same thing or not? Dublin get an extraordinary amount of coaching funding that is spent on full time coaches which has benefitted them hugely. This is where the greatest disparity of funding is going, on coaching. Counties outside of Dublin who wish to get similar funding have to do it through Provincial council. Its pretty clear.

Just on DCU. A friend of mine played Sigerson with DCU and used the regular gym along with other intercounty players. There was another separate state of the art gym with analytics which the Dublin players used in pods of 3. This is another advantage to Dublin in that they are like a club team due to geography and all being in close proximity to each other. This would not really be feasible in any other county.

What are the participation levels per Capita in various counties.

The kids coaching is aimed at participation and keeping them involved. The success of GAA in Dublin is getting and keeping kids playing.

It might trickle down to adult teams but they are separate issues as it’s a long road to bring an 8 year old to senior county football.

Fair enough,we’re not.I was talking about overall structures as mentioned by Gilroy last night .think like a business and pay for experts to manage whatever increased funds are to be given …develop other streams of income so in time the county becomes self sufficient.