2020 & my increasing sense of foreboding

As 2019 draws to a close I am torn between my desire to preserve the ignorant bliss of forumites and my compulsion to tell a truth so stark and barren that it strikes to the core of what this forum and indeed humanity holds dear. In the end I opted for the latter.
2020 will see an increase in climate induced chaos. I have laid this bare and make no apologies for it. The world you think you know will be depleted and thrown into turmoil by changes in our climate that I believe have been brought about by mankind and Fine Gael in particular.
As a poster I usually refrain from ‘I told you so’ style commentary. However my climate warnings have gone unheeded for too long and I shall be returning to this thread as every climate emergency breaks, you will finally wake up (too late) and think ‘if only I’d listened to Funtime ‘ .
Happy new year ya filthy animals


You should follow George Lee on social media and just recycle his discreet warnings

Many a prophet was mocked in his own land

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What you need is a carbon fibre yacht to bring this to a wider audience

I just have an overall sense of foreboding same as every year.

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It’s just The Fear. I’m the same after 3 nights of pints. Twill be all over after tonight and after two decent nights I’ll be right again…

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I recommend that you all invest in canned food and shotguns.

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well well well…

the grim satisfaction i take from being correct is scant compensation for the tragic outcomes of my predictions.

i warned in the previous decade about dire consequences from our failure to act on climate change. apparently australia is now suffering major bush fires due to historically high temperatures. the fact that i warned the forum of such an eventuality gives me little succor.

I also hinted at a grim year for Irish Radio personalities, yet again it looks like i wrote the script, but as we mourn Larry and Marian let us resolve to pay greater heed to the warnings of the oracle.

the year of foreboding is upon yourselves. brace yourselves for more.


Mate, will Leeds finally go up?

Fuck sake

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Leeds will once again dine at the top table of English football but will make many sacrifices along the way, the price of their ascent will be the loss of their dignity


Late last year I alluded to “the slaying of a general in the east, bringing much anxiety to the west.”
I was mocked or worse ignored as I warned of the foreboding upon the horizon.
Although I do not rejoice at the turmoil our world is in after the death of Iran’s Solemani, I do turn to my fellow forumites and ask ‘how do you like them apples?’.
Next time heed my warnings.


Readers will be aware that in 2019 I predicted that this would be a challenging year for moderation of our forum and that difficult choices would have to be made with regard to spurned posters with grudges. At the time the sense of foreboding I predicted was dismissed by many. They are not dismissing me now . Greetings to the high profile journalists now reading my predictions.


Did you have any cricket predictions?

remarkable how slow posters are to point to the cold, steely accuracy of my predictions for 2020. it seems uncanny that i could have predicted the unfolding events back in late 2019 and tried to warn the forum. this isn’t an ‘i told you so’ post but your failure to heed my stark warnings has undoubtedly cost lives.
it is almost unnerving to read back though some of my earlier posts on this thread, my references to ‘a virus that will grip the world and leave us in a paralysis of fear’ is spine-chillingly accurate, my warning that ‘the plague from the east will know no boundaries’ may have sounded nosta damos like but now echoes with truth, however it was my prediction that ‘social distancing measures will be outlined by Tony Holohan of the HSE’ that really stands out to me as predicting the zeitgeist of march 2020.
stay safe everyone, next time pay attention

Have you considered starting a death cult?