2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

I think it means you’re butthurt from Tyrone dumping Donegal out a few weeks ago which prompted your gibberish post.

So no, not available in English.

Thanks for clearing that up

Dry your eyes mate.

It’s a deadly, killer disease in a pandemic.

Tyrone are entitled not to put themselves in danger, even if they should have put a team, any team, out.

Now we are into the nub of the issue. It’s won’t rather than cant


Delta variant is flying all over the place according to Joanne.

Tyrone got the advice of Sam McConkey or one of these lads before withdrawing

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Lads, go easy. This must be very serious. Tyrone players don’t lie down for nothing.

Incidentally, how is Tiernan McCann?

His hair is in bits.

It’s like a fella who won a game of checkers thinking he’s a grandmaster :rofl:

You have intercounty levels of delusion God help you

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Who was Boo Radley by the way?

A lot of posters here brainwashed by the Kerry GAA industrial media complex I see

It’s Mayos year now.

They are a more likable outfit without that incel CoC playing for them.
I’ve never head of any of these Dublin players. What they have in medals they lack in personality


Go back to hauling your lard arse welded into a 36" Galvin Green slacks around a golf course and leave the fitness talk to the athletes.

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Fair play to you @raylan if you can fit into a 36 inch trousers.



Sam Maguire coming home to Mayooooooo

Do it for Jimmy.

I’m still playing ball. When you get past day 1 we’ll throw a parade for you