2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Cora cleaning house

Retrospective bans for Small and McCarthy?

Resorting to cynicism at 12-7 when Cormac Costello was hauling lads down at kick-outs. They’re rattled.

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It does alright. He didn’t hit him with his elbow.

You get a sense that Mayo are set to lose this on penalties


I hope @peddlerscross is at this.

In the same way that if you got a smack in the nuts you’d throw a head butt instinctively


Jimmy Mcguinness and the star. No bullscutter. Two blatant reds and two blacks

What was the retake for exactly? Didn’t seem like much going on there.

Has anyone bit yet?

Conor Gleeson replay coming?

He hit the first one a mile wide.

Put €20 on mayo there. They have em

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Durcan, Keegan, Hession and O’Hora have been immense for Mayo.

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No wonder we get the politicians we have when the state broadcaster is akin to Pravda when it comes to controversy or honesty

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Fenton is an animal of a man.

Will we get Colm Boyle in?

Fucking RTÉ analysts are shocking not one calling any Dublin incident out. Sky way better.


Mayo had all the momentum. McCarthy had earned a red. Minutes he could have added in, and he blew it up.

If Mayo lose this the ref will need a rather large Garda escort