2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Nope. Heā€™s facing the Davin when he is in possession, he is moving towards the Davin end. He has to halt due a poor pass and Small takes him front on. There is no cover for Small here.

I had a more successful care in association football. Itā€™s a more skilled and demanding game and I had more passion in it.

I also boxed when I was younger too seeing as youā€™re so interested.

Wrong again. Here he is with possession of the ball and still facing the sideline


You donā€™t know where youā€™re supposed to be from, let alone which fantasy sports career you had

Look at where his feet are though. I donā€™t think either of ye are right by the way, he is neither fully facing the sideline nor the player.

Nope, thatā€™s him waiting on the pass.

This is him with the ball.


Yes but thatā€™s my point. That last still is probably one hundredth of a second before he gets hit. John Small has a right to think that if he goes in for the shoulder it will be a fair shoulder. He canā€™t stop time.

I still think itā€™s a red card.

I honestly donā€™t get why people are so surprised at the breakdown in discipline from Dublin. They have regularly done it and gotten away with it down the years, theyā€™re conditioned to being let away with it. Remember when they simultaneously pulled down a rake of mayo players for a kick out at the end of an all Ireland final?


No he doesnā€™t. Heā€™s hitting him front on.

I think small knows itā€™s going to be borderline at best and he doesnā€™t care. Itā€™s an outrageous tackle. Heā€™s filth.


Do you think these challenges play out over the course of 30 seconds?

I donā€™t think the shoulder is on at any point

Well it clearly is a split second before the shoulder

Itā€™s not, itā€™s utterly impossible to execute a legitimate shoulder challenge from the angle both players are at.

Exactly.He couldnā€™t give 2 fucks what the outcome was.

Hopefully someone returns the favour down the line to the tramp.


Its time to have a serious look at the whole shoulder to shoulder tackle anyway.

Players are gone so big and strong that these collisions are a recipe for disaster.

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Lads are obsessed with the dubs :joy:


They really are.

Same lads will defend Gillane here but say that Dublin get away with obvious red cards. Lookit they waited 7 years for this.

Will the same people call Gillane filth?

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Interesting to see @glasagusban 's response to this

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Muldoons checking to see if Dubs are accepting that Mayo were the better team and taking their beating with good grace and then in the next breath performing character assassinations on players and management. Obsession isnā€™t just a Calvin Klein fragrance.