2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

This has been absolutely septic


Does this time count for the black card?


Yes, T playing a blinder here milking it

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Great shithousery from Tyrone throughout as always. Five mins of the black eaten up.

Morgan has had a shocking second half

Morgan should have put it over the bar rather than
the sideline

Kerry have made a pig’s mickey of some goal chances today.

Coldrick has been poor enough from the cheap seat

Mcurry will come back on and kick the levelling score

Kerry will concede another goal yet.

How many goals have Kerry butchered?

Kerry have missed some chances

Sean O’Se is a great man to butcher a goal chance. Daft loopy handpass when a normal one would have been a certain goal

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This is brutal to watch

McCann has fixed his hair and is back on.


Tyrone have been the better team

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Morgan with some ropey moments and then what a recovery. Sporting of him to assist Clifford too.

They’ve lost focus though