2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Bright start from Derry-on-Tyne here.

Great chance for Derry there, they’ll regret that.

Shloktnail. :roll_eyes:

Mad aul start to this.

Looked a pelanty there.

Donegal look a mess when Derry run at them.

Benny Heron fishes one over there.

Some of the young Derry cubs in the stand seem utterly shocked at witnessing their county currently winning an Ulster Championship game.

Lovely score from McFaul

A ridiculous point from McFaul.

The lad who painted the lines in Ballybofey must have been drunk.

It was wonky looking in the Tyrone-Cavan game last night too whatever is going on.

Cavan put it up to Tyrone for 30 minutes yesterday. Fermanagh kept it competitive with Monaghan for the first half and Antrim probably deserved to lead Armagh at HT last week.

Can Derry sustain this standard for the 70? Donegal look a little rattled.

Is Glass the best midfielder in the country after Fenton?

Glass is some baysht

More one dimensional than rattled

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Serious player.

Wasn’t too much in that one.

Brolly would be absolutely seething if Rory Gallagher pulls this one off.

The Doire jersey is class