2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style


What was the Kerry defender at there? Tyrone won’t be caught now



McKenna goalllllllllll

The Wizard of Eglish. :muscle:

1-2 to barry since game restarted

No Clifford, no party

Kerry’s defence has forgotten to back onto the pitch.

Foley is directly responsible for two goals, completely braindead

Kerry defender kicked it straight to McKenna.

Who the fuck swung the leg at that :joy::joy::joy:

The real losers here are those of us who backed Tyrone in 70 mins


This is fucking beautiful

Surely that’s a black for Walsh.

Count me in…

Tyrone have a lovely manner about them since fucking Micky Harte off

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Mise freisin

Covid is a cod

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I’ve tears in my eyes simply sensational