2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Here on 9/11 says Ger. Thinks it’s November the daft fucker

Oh take me to Clare Island
The home of Granuaile
It’s waters harbour fishes
From the herring to the whale
And now I must depart it
And reality is plain
May the time not pass so slowly
'Fore I set sail again
Set sail again

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Tomás O Se on co commentary. That’ll

This bollix the announcer in Croke Park.

There’s at least 55k there


Any time there has been a silence for 9/11 a Connacht team has won the All-Ireland.

Aidan looks on the verge of collapse

The band all playing the same tune this time at least.


Conroy like a ram :ram:

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Morgan :rollseyes:

Tyrone having a mental breakdown

Mayo are ravenous

Moggie ffs

Mayo fired up

Mayo esque start from Throne

Should have been a Tyrone ball.

Mayo out like ravenous terriers

Fucking hennelley

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Hennelly could have done without that.

The 2 keepers starting like we all know they can