2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

The umpire gleefully waving a wide there.

This is another shit the bed performance from Mayo. Take AOS off for fuck sake


Dublin will win the next 3 AIs

Half watching here, Awful scutter.

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Poor second half.

I tought he was subbed at HT?

You still suffering from the prunes.

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Ffs sake. Wife from five yards.

That looked over :see_no_evil:

Wide? Shocking miss

Jesus Christ Mayo

The fuck was that ffs

Mayo wide from 3 yards

Did you hit her a belt??

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And why didn’t he go for goal anyway?

He caught the ball from the throw in and hasn’t been seen since

Mayo have caught it.

Eamonn Fitmaurice is buzzing so far

I’d say Eamon Fitzmaurice would give a rousing speech in a dressing room


A poor advertisement for our game. Mayo need to Buck the fuck up and look like they want to win it.