2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

This will be the worst final defeat. Mayo have been massively on top since half time.

This is brutal

This is wonderful stuff

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Exhibit 4865

Good god what an awful attack. They’re making some cunt of this. Tyrone don’t look like scoring at all

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Loftus

A one score game with 10 mins to go and yet you feel there’s a certain inevitability to all of this.

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Here we go

Except for some wayward shooting this has been a Masterclass from Tyrone

That was some tackle

Awful spectacle but finals are for winning only

Brilliant by McLoughlin

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Finally a fucking point

Pressure getting to mayo. The manic intensity isn’t there.

That was a super kick in fairness, next score is massive

Apart from the hand on the back

Tyrone are excellent at tackling

Badly needed to at least get a point out of that.

The grandstand finish is on.

Red rover
