2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Is he the cunt who made a fuck of Galway?

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Is it really that long since Armagh were in a final ??

They havent been the same since Billy Sheehan sang God Save the Queen to them below in O Moore Park.

I would think the lack of tone would be traumatic enough let alone the lyrics

Laois have pwned them ever since. They’ll not be right until they cast off that shame.

Yeah, think every other county has been in one more recently than Armagh. When you consider the state of football in a number of counties up here it’s a fairly terrible record to have.

The very same, how he got passed the gates of 2 of the real proper stylists of the game is worth a full enquiry.

Harrowing stuff.

Games gone.

From what I hear Tally is extremely highly rated by the Down players, they have serious pace in that side and are coming along well. If the proper divisional structure was in place this year I’d tip them to do well. Vital that they can get the likes of O’Hagan, Harrison and O’Hanlon back fit and in form this year.

There will always be good footballers in Down. If they can get everyone on the field then they should be competitive in a championship with no outstanding oppositionn.
The capitulation against Cavan last year tells you all you need to know about Tally. 8 points up at halftime against a very mediocre Cavan outfit, and managed to lose the game. Cowards tactics and he got his rewards.

Down should have beaten Cavan, it wasn’t really much to do with tactics.

Cavan just wanted it more, the same reason they beat Monaghan and Donegal.

Another east coast Classico as Wicklow and Wexford meet again

Not as even as I thought! Tyrone and Donegal on the same side of the draw again.

Put that way it certainly favours the top half. It’ll be a poor Ulster final as the real big guns are in the bottom half. Monaghan and Fermanagh have both peaked and won’t trouble anyone on the big day.

Armagh really need to kick on. Great talent up front but no legs in the middle.

Handy opener for Fermanagh there.

A seriously lopsided draw.

No excuses for Monaghan there

Was Banty out last night?

AOS done the the ACL?

Incalculable loss