2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Kerry will score 5 goals here

Iā€™m fairly sure it used to be owned by The Sem up behind the big terrace. Donā€™t know if thatā€™s still the case.

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Kerry should declare

Itā€™s vested in a stadium committee as far as I know.

Surely the end of Ronan McCarthy as Cork manager.

This is like the Miltown Malbay Massacre.

White definitely took more than 4 steps.

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This is an annihilation.

Ah jaysus. The savages are loving this.

Ya - there is some opaque ownership arrangement . I think soccer and rugby can be played there

Cork have 2 points since the first half water break.

This could get very ugly

Blow it up ta fuck, this is a bad an intercounty team Iā€™ve seen in a while

Cork will pay today for poxing last years encounter.

Braveheart the sub goalie didnā€™t excel there either

Wasnā€™t it built in part by the mental hospital and some of the residents. Westie used to tell a yarn about it


Thatā€™s what heā€™s known as in Kerry though. Heā€™d look some bollox in Kerry if he called him Sean o se to appease Declan mcbennet.

MicheĆ”l Martinā€™s stock as a goalkeeper has gone through the roof


Dessie will be investing in his share portfolio.


Possibly, yeah. It has an unusual history alright. Named after Dr. Dick Fitzgerald, author of How To Play Gaelic Football, something a few of the Cork panel could have done with reading.

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