2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

These wides are very unDublin like. Taking high % shots they don’t usually take on.

Fenin was a great bit of stuff in the 2002 Leinster final.

Did the Kildare lads have their wheetabix today?

Kildare are the short shot county.

3 or 4 into goalies hands is costly for Kildare

Horror show from McCormack.

Does Tommy Moolick still play?

Jesus Dublin are rabble.

Born a few yards the wrong side of the border

And the Cribbins


They’ve had chances.

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Poor game


Dubs taking a lot of low percentage shots on. Costello nailed that one though.

Called it

Pray for Con

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That mediocre match between Monaghan and Tyrone yesterday was probably much higher quality than this.

What age is he? I wouldn’t have thought he’s that old.

Dublin finished and still 3 points up. Que sera sera