2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Sure how would I know?

I just said that the data shows there is very little serious consequneces for fit and healthy u40s. 9 deaths in 95k cases in the north is reflective of that and these people most likely had underlying health conditions such as obesity, diabetes or respiratory illnesses.

We also know that from professional sports and I’ve given the specific example of the Spanish football team who had 12 positive cases of Covid 19 yet pretty much all of them were playing in top level games a couple of weeks after their positive tests and isolation periods.

The big blow for Tyrone is this regard is their preparation is completely and utterly scuppered which is why I can understand if they want that extra week to monitor and assess which players are ready after it and which players aren’t.

I was a top level amateur athlete, I won a Bob Radcliffe Cup, a cold or flu was capable of knocking your fitness levels for a few weeks after, I can imagine Covid would be similar.


It seems strange that it’s so disrupted. If they had been vaccinated they wouldn’t even have to isolate after being close contacts, they mustn’t have been vaccinated I suppose, given the extent of the outbreak, which really shows up Tyrone’s folly in not making sure their players were vaccinated. In any event though I’m shocked that such fit and healthy young people could be laid so low by covid that they might miss an all Ireland semi final. A real lesson for all of us there.

Plenty of them were fully vaccinated.

There’s 20 positive cases in the camp, it’s more the positive cases than the no of people isolating.

I can understand why athletes do not want to get vaccinated. Many of them may have had to have their jab scheduled during Championship and the side effects would have impacted them and their ability to play. Maybe some counties were able to skip the queue and have their players vaccinated before they were open to.

Why are you shocked? Players miss games due to colds and flus the whole time, I don’t think you understand that a virus can impact the top level athletic performance of athletes. You’re talking gibberish here.

They were vaccinated and it’s still had this much of an impact on them? Wow. Serious lessons to be taken there.

As an aside, what kind of circus are Tyrone running that 20 of them are infected? A fucking joke that they allowed this to happen and have so negatively affected the integrity of the competition. They should be suspended from entry next year unless they can prove they have gotten their house in order.


The 20 of them attended a dog fight together

At least it wasn’t one of those weird sex events they’re always at.

What impact? WTF are you talking about? We don’t know what impact the virus is having or isn’t having on these players. We only know that they cannot hold collective training sessions from now until the Kerry game if things stay as they are due to the restrictions in place which means Tyrone have no ability to plan and assess their players whatsoever.

Maybe you fail to understand the vaccines, they neither protect you from contracting or transmitting the virus. They’re not the first squad to have an outbreak nor will they be the last either.

Why are Tyrone the only squad in the country that can’t organise themselves to such a basic degree that they can’t fulfil fixtures?

Anyway with regard to the vaccines, 25-29 year olds would have been eligible to get their first jab around early June with a 10 week wait for their second jab which would be sometime around now. Some players would have righlty not want to have received a vaccine that could impact them physically coming up to an Ulster final or AI semi final.

I doubt many squads are fully vaxxed unless they were able to get a few strokes pulled and have their players jump the queue well before they were due one.

I see you’re too much of a chicken shit to debate the other points.

And they aren’t the only squad, we had Sligo last year, Offaly last year, Cork this year, Fermanagh last year, Mayo this year.

Thanks. Jesus this could play havoc with the club championships.

Play it after the Club Cship is done

The only one that cant fulfill fixtures. It’s basic fucking organisation. An all Ireland semi final.

And Tyrone wants to be a special case and have special treatment because it can’t get its own shit together.

Why should Tyrone get special treatment? Why is Tyrone such a precious little snowflake?

Who said they can’t fulfill a fixture? You really have a tenuous grasp of grammar and words. They have requested a postponement of another week, they have made no indication as to whether they will or won’t be able to fulfill the fixture.

Tyrone haven’t got special treatment. They have gotten the same treatment Cork have got with regard to their U20 final.

Now maybe if Tyrone had a tax cheat bankrolling their team and they were able to skip the queue for vaccines like some people, this situation may or may not have occurred.

They want an extra week (special treatment) and they don’t even know if they can fulfil the fixture then? That’s bizarre. Are they just taking the piss altogether??

They have asked for it. For a woman who is so hysterical about Covid you don’t seem to have much conscience about young men who have contracted it, instead you want them out there flogging themselves a week or so after testing positive.

It seems behind all your hysteria you deem Covid to be a big joke.

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What’s with the woman reference? Strange that you’re reverting to gendered references because you can’t address the issue.

Why should Tyrone get special treatment? 32 counties in Ireland and it’s only Tyrone that fuck up so totally and ruin the competition for everyone else.

Clubs won’t get the same leeway Tyrone have been given.
If this happens in the club scene I’ll imagine it will be walkovers or fielding a weakened team.
That said you won’t have too many situations in the club where the whole team will be forced to submit to testing, and the level of people who are now fully vaccinated should mean that many can avoid being named a close contact.

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You are a woman, no?

I’m confused, are you a woman or not? Why would you get offended at being called a woman?

Who is saying they should get special treatment? They have asked for a delay due to the fact that they won’t be able to hold a collective training session 3 weeks before a game. They are entitled to ask that and the GAA are entitled to grant or refuse that.

Once again, you refuse to address an issue I raised your hysterical behaviour and your blatant contradictions.

You have tried about 10 different angles here and you seem unable to formulate a coherent argument behind any of them.

What does my gender have to do with anything? Why are you bringing it into the discussion? How is relevant?

Strange, strange behaviour.