2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Can you work on aerial ability ? I think you can.
Every now and then you get a freak like Tommy Walsh. Otherwise it’s building explosive strength, which you can do with Olympic weightlifting, and that would be the very first change I’d make to any training program for hurling, and practice.

If you increase explosive strength, you will increase physicality almost by accident.
You won’t increase filth, but physicality will absolutely benefit.
Id love to know if Limerick are doing Olympic weightlifting.

Come on in, the water is nice and warm

That’s the difference flatty. Limerick do Olympic weightlifting. Galway do Olympic diving


It’s all relative and any skill can be improved but to what level and time spent suring up a weakness is time taken away from sharpening a strength. Teams will always look to target Coleman in the air if he is played as a half back. Match up depending he can get away with it for the most part as backs dictate the match ups but eventually you come up against a side who will have three lads in the half forward line who have aerial ability and it becomes an issue.

He is a fabulous hurler and has some excellent attributes but I would think he is better off left at left half back and accepting that there will be days he will be targeted in the air and plan accordingly rather than shifting him to midfield to hide it as it opens up even more issues given the engines and spoiling abilities of some of the players playing there at present.

The bigger problem is when you have Fitzgibbon as well in that middle third you now have two lads with some outstanding attributes but also areas of their game that you have to try and cover up and you are giving teams clear areas to attack you.


owned GIF


They are. Ronan Collins is coaching them.


They have great taste in music as a result


Ah we were long enough standing to beat Limerick out the gate.

You’re taking this very bad flatty, it’s fuckin brilliant

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Yep Millerick should definitely be there somewhere

Yes, I think so. He may well end up corner back.

To be fair to The Rock he acknowledged it after the semi final - “their name is etched on the cup already.”

He knew. We knew. Cork knew.


There’s no other team in hurling or football (or any other sport that I can think of) that have pects like that Limerick team. I doubt their success is as simple as that but to me it’s a stand out physical feature.

Yeah, I was fairly coy alright

cc @backinatracksuit

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Why did you tag me, I never said you were coy about anything??

I may have mentioned that there was a lot of coyness from the Limerick support, talking Cork up etc,
But don’t let it get to you, only a game, bit of craic etc etc :joy:

Pectoralis muscles

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The random tagging
 Absolutely seething. Its textbook

Mul has a set of pancake titties. Mike Casey’s would knock you out.

This is entertaining, sent to me by a work colleague