2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

People have been banned for less


Brilliant, not a great likeness of Richie English though

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But he has escaped bans for worse.

Heā€™s a dangerous individual and best stick him on ignore.

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Looks like they were sitting too close to the fire.

Colm Parkinson claimed they piped the crowd noise in on all Ireland final day.

They did

Seems odd I didnā€™t notice much myself.

For the parade Iā€™d say they did.

When I watched it back on Monday it was obvious

I was upper and copped it quick enoughā€¦deffo funneled in noise. Not sure there was a needā€¦

Whatā€™s that about? I obviously missed it

Distasteful comments on Peter Caseyā€™s injury

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Thanks, I received a couple of PMs

By the sounds of it the celebrations in Ballingarry were off the charts. Giddy up there boi, Hon Limerick

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