2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Agreed… They’ll take serious stopping.

If they win one Sunday against the head similar to Dublin 2011 then its all over for the rest for a decade,

If they don’t win Sunday, then the pressure starts to ramp up and it could become a Newmarket on Fergus situation.

Ah lads. They have not got over the line in one yet, almost shat their pants against a distinctly average Kilkenny and you think they will win 7 of 10. You are some clown :clown_face:.

They are Cork.

The one big thing in Clare’s favour is that they have some excellent prospects between 18 and 21 years of age and very little barrier of entry for these lads to get an opportunity to make it at intercounty level.

A lot of doom and gloom about underage results but that is as much to do with poor management and a lack of panel depth.

Pat Donnellan, Mark Rodger, Cian Galvin, Shane Meehan, Conor Hegarty, Adam Hogan, and Oisin O’Donnell all have a lot of the attributes to play senior I/C and I’d expect at least 4 of them to go on to be above average starters at least and at worst add depth while the likes of Diarmuid Cahill, Jarlath Collins and Bradley Higgins will get chances to stake a claim as well.

Adding a fit Shane O’Donnell and Peter Duggan and a couple of those younger lads to the 26 next year will add much needed depth which is where we have really struggled.



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Sorry… Wrong thread.

I disagree. Majority of reasonable Cork supporters see Sunday as a bonus. Obviously, we’d love to win but realistically its very unlikely. We are up against the ultimate team. They have no flaws and are a good bit ahead of every other team.

All these Cork players coming through have a different mindset to many of the current squad. They have won Harty Cups, U20s etc. That brings huge belief. Its a process, but failure to win in next couple of years wont bring any mental block preventing them from winning.


Id agree with all that.

Why so? They’ve gotten ye to a final beating all expectations at the start of the year, seem to have instilled a bit more heart in the team and have made a number of hard calls that appear to have had a good effect, a few cut from the panel, Kingston not started for the semi etc.

That’s all true but I think we are there by luck more than any great master plan i.e. its more to do with talent than tactical brilliance.

I could well be wrong and only time will tell. The problems I seen at the start of year are still there (I have posted them regularly).

I asked for tickets for you and @habanerocat
There are none to be had in my circles. None at all.

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Mullane gets it. Shur he’s a half Clare man after all.

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no guarantees that either Limerick or Cork will be back next year.

You need to take your chance when it’s there.


My man in Headquarters has come through with tickets. Lower hogan. Can’t wait.


100 percent

Even if the team is there a player may not be.

Eminem called it.

Except the reasonable supporters are in the minority

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I’ve yet to speak to somebody who’s bullish, hopefully the crowd up for the match will put on a show of confidence

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