2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

Oh! Heā€™s close to the Casey camp anyway, as distinct from the training oneā€¦

I wouldnā€™t bother. Iā€™ll get rid of the tickets for you

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Send on your phone number there and Il screenshot it to you pal

Hopefully will be a good game on Sunday. I think it will be. If both teams play to form and potential, and I think they will, then Iā€™d expect Limerick to win by 15

With a bit of luck the cunts wonā€™t get a ticket


Hopefully itā€™s a good game, with lots of scores, great skills on display and everyone enjoys themselves.


Dont mind this thread, what about the game itself?

Kitty will get him one anyway.

Not great odds tbh.

Iā€™m extremely worried for Sunday for a few reasons.

Cork have that natural pace thatā€™ll hurt any team.

Cork will have taken a lot of encouragement from the opening game when a missed penalty and a deflection probably decided the game.

Also the way the Kilkenny game panned out is hugely beneficial to them too. Theyā€™ll have learned a lot from it. In 2018 we just got across the line against a poor kk side too.

Unlike Waterford cork score that bit easier and are a more attacking outfit.

While these match ups are hard to predict I think corks full back line matches up well to limericks full forward line so weā€™ll rely on lynch even more than usual. Hegarty has had a quiet season so him roaring back into form would be welcome.

The one thing I see being the deciding factor is if cork can devise a long pick out strategy and retain possession from it. No team has really managed this v limerick . Itā€™s easy to say youā€™ve to run at the limerick backs but itā€™s very difficult to work the ball out from defence against limerick.

I also noted from the Waterford game that while the game was over Waterford got a little joy from going direct into Barron and Gleeson. Kk got similar joy in 2019 against us. Iā€™m not sure cork have the players to exploit this from the start though.

Waterford tried to match fire with fire v limerick and it backfired. I canā€™t see cork making the same mistakes. They try and copy the tipp style but I wouldnā€™t expect them to combust in such spectacular fashion as tipp did.

Cork probably have more impact off the bench that limerick.

Iā€™m surprised how dismissive of cork people are and maybe thatā€™s rubbing off on me but I just have that bad feeling about Sunday in my stomach.

Iā€™m heading off for Dublin early tomorrow morning. Safe travels to everybody.


Hopefully all the subs get a run out too

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Limerick will have the game sown up by the 2nd half water break and theyā€™ll be sending out the school children, O Neill and Coughlan, with the tracksuits still on, for a run around before the end of the game

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Please god hurling is the real winner on Sunday


Fair analysis. Itā€™s hard to see how Cork win enough puck out ball to hurt Limerick and the management team has never really shown themselves the cutest on that or tactics generally. Itā€™s easy see Limerick dominate puck outs but if Cork find a way to get a foothold then it could be interesting but not sure what they do to get that.


Just let them do cartwheels and make daisy chains.
We donā€™t need to force competitiveness on them.

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I think Corkā€™s best chance is to simply ignore that theyā€™re playing Limerick. Theyā€™re the one team out there that may well do that.

Their system is their system and they must go all-in on it to the end. Everybody else adapts their game to face Limerick, which only plays into our hands. Cork must trust in their beliefs and processes and maximise every opportunity they create. Weaknesses can open up in unexpected places on All-Ireland final day, unheralded players can play way above themselves and establish dominance in areas that seem unlikely.

If all of the above happens, weā€™ll have a serious game of ball. If not, Limerick will win it.


Everyone is tipping Corkā€¦

This is the fella that said Waterford would score 4 goals in the semi-final, yeah?


Weā€™re fucked

Perceived domination he said