2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

That fella has the handiest job in Ireland

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I was being sarcastic as in not a fucking hope in hell Limerick winning by 10 points or more, if that happens Iā€™m looking for a cave, want it to be a tight competive A1 not a one sided affair ( Iā€™ll get the highlights and if we win Iā€™ll have the Sunday game or whatever itā€™s called now)

Thereā€™s surely a few caves down around Kinsale, maybe start your search around there

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He surely knows a few where he hid guns back in the day


Did your boy get sorted for a ticket?

No not yet all fucked up weā€™ve a wedding today in the raddison blue and him away to Galway yesterday morning
( wrong Friday) so talk about a balls of a week,Iā€™ve family arriving from Derry and didnt expect them till next shagging week,
So hunts off brother will use it , I wasnā€™t going either way but would have liked him to go with a few club mates instead he will be hunting ladies in Eyre square Sunday, any joy yourself?

Too many early mornings and late nights the last while has me demented


Wouldnā€™t you love to be sitting behind them on Sunday?



You need to get in a few stents if thatā€™s the case.

Great supporters

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I wouldnā€™t mind it, Iā€™m sure most people would feel the same :persevere:

You called it definitively above kid. LIMERICK WILL WIN ON SUNDAY

Here you go @Breaking_my_balls

We havenā€™t a bleddy chance

Cork have some record in finals as underdogs.

Youā€™d have to make them favourites on that alone

Reminds me of the time @mikehunt attacked his parents for sending the grandchildren covid in a card


Yeah. We said no homecoming.

Happened me one year. You know when you take your seat that itā€™s just not going to be your day.


Iā€™m actually thinking I mightnt bother going

Kyle Hayes a big doubt - fair play @anon67715551 , your man must be close to the action.

A puncherā€™s chance.

Cyril has Limerick backed @ 11/8

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