2021 All Ireland Hurling Final - Cork v Limerick - New Money vs Old Money - Barbados Dollar vs Queens shilling

2019 was desperate stuff. I don’t think I ever watched it back.

2017 was the last proper final.

2019 was the worst real all Ireland of the last decade. Paddy Deegan and Huw lawlor launching ball on Cathal Barrett was brain dead stuff, they are still at it when push comes to shove.

I think Limerick got very nervous in the 2018 game. Kyle Hayes really drove them on in the second half, the Galway defending helped no end. The boost from winning brings a team on ten fold. The hardest thing is getting over the line. We are a far better team than then also.


Cody’s biggest mistake but in fairness he learned from it.

I will glady take the worst match in history and a one point Limerick win Sunday


Yep, definitely agree there. Not to take away from Limerick, finals are there to be won and they did but I thought Limerick were massively helped by Galway’s shitshow of a performance.

After they beat us in 2018, I felt it was a matter of time before Limerick ended the famine but I didn’t think it would come in that final against that Galway team.

What a tonic that AI was to this Limerick team though. Some very likeable players that you’d never begrudge them of any success. I have great time for Kiely and Kinnerk too in fairness.


18 was a horrible final. 2010 was ominous and felt monumental.
Myself and my brother swapped out and went to the hill for 2010 with money in our pockets, got a great spot. It was fantastic as a neutral

It’s hilarious reading the yerras from you after your talk about Cork before the games against Dublin and Kilkenny :joy::joy:

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Limerick are in prime age profile right now.

I wouldn’t completely rule them out of winning up to six or seven All-Irelands with this team, not least because a lot of challengers are falling away, but at the same time prime age profile doesn’t stay prime for that long, especially in terms of your squad, so I think they’ll be doing well enough to notch three or four.

I think Limerick will win by around seven points with Seamus Flanagan being Player Of The Match.

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I knew it was eating away at you cork lads … Tipping Dublin to win by 15 :smile: . It has eaten away at poor @gilgamboa also… You poor fuckers are only playing checkers… Ive chessed ye for 3 months now.


…Me wrong

That would be a good tweet except the Cunt who wrote it.


That match was like two bald men fighting over a comb

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Be some showing and achievement if he’s not taken asunder at almost 35 years of age


2009 and 2010 were two brilliant games. The atmosphere in 2010 was something else

2018 was only notable for the end of a multi generational famine. Who couldnt but be thrilled to see perennial bottlers and everyone’s second favourite team finally get over the line. The game was only average with one team trying their best to fuck it away for an hour and the other then trying to fuck it away for the last 10 minutes

It was lovely to hear the cranberries in the stadium alright that was a nice moment

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Big time. If Cork won by a point I’d say it would go down as one of our greatest wins

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Brian Hogan was a massive loss that day Dan
