2022 All Ireland football final - The Yerras V The Fancy Dans. Name your kitchen

No they are sister parishes.

There’s also a strong possibility Walsh just wants to play a year or two at the highest level
of club football with a big club with the best facilities While he’s living in Dublin before going home for good …


He probably saw the Ladies win the All Ireland Club and said to himself, ‘I’d like a piece of that’.

Robbie Brennan has history bringing outsiders into Dublin Clubs too. @Fat_Pox can take up the story from here…

and while that may be true, thats a reason these sort of things shouldnt happen. Parnells had it with their set up and recruitment and it was bollix. Crokes have had a few imports over the years, and being flashy and having the money and set up to entice outsiders in shouldnt be a way forward.

Brehenys piece isnt too bad there, and his question of if the player wants to play in Dublin, see does he have the same interest if he isnt joining the biggest and richest club. Where the irony is somewhat lost in the Breheny piece is where he himself admits to leaving the club when he moved to Dublin.

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He also chose to not raise prior to an All Ireland semi final or final as it would have been a distraction.

It’s funny to hear lads who won’t travel to watch a match suggest Walsh should travel all year round for the GAA.

I’d say like most things there’s a multitude of reasons for the transfer and he’s not come to the decision easily. He’s 29 years old so he’s given his best years to his local / legacy club.


I wonder what the average Crokes person makes of this? Probably nothing whatsoever, which in and of itself says a lot for the atttiude of the club

This must be the best piece Martin Breheny has ever produced.

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That’s a very low bar now.


I am 100% sure that Walsh’s mileage could be paid by the club.

I am 100% sure Walsh would not be expected to come home for midweek sessions.

I am also convinced his home club could help financially if he asked nicely whether it be the club or local businesses with marketing opportunities etc.

Any chance you could do up a top ten list of his articles? Martin would love that.


It is, prob the first time he has hit the nail.

It would have to be Top 32.


3rd one there is a serious stretch. How you’d be convinced of that?

Would Ryan have a chance with Cork? Very good the other night i thought.

It’s Shane Walsh we are on about.

I’m sure he could make thousands opening up Supermacs around North Galway.

There isn’t much room for anymore :sweat_smile:

All the dingbats looking at their shoes uncomfortably after finding themselves on the same side as Breheny.

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I’d have thought so. He has a lot of the attributes you would want in a full back but needs more time there to get experience defending… Maybe lacking a bit of pace further out field. Darren Browne another fella should get a go again IMO

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League of Nations

The lad who plays corner forward is worth a go. Offers something different to what we normally go with. Looked a handful anytime I seen him play.