2022 European Championships - Munich

If Gearoid Hegarty did it ye’d want him arrested


Get to front and extend the elbow Buzz Lightyear style.

What’s today’s programme @Mac ?

Any Irish interest today @TheUlteriorMotive ?

The long one forgot how to run there in the middle of it

Tom Barr at 10:25 (15 minutes)

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We’ve a couple out tonight but they won’t medal.

Tom, English, Ciara Mageean and our women 400m relay team is where we need to hope

Don’t know if this was posted but I enjoyed this while watching last night!

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Class. He is going to redefine triple jump


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Come on Tom

I thought Barr won his heat to try get a better lane draw, did I miss a round?

Seamus Derbyshire is a great name.


Others had the same idea.

3rd. Two boys in front only jogging

Thats a great run from Lane 8. Hard to see if it’ll be enough. Here’s hoping.

Think he messed up his approach. The replay has him smiling as he dives. The coach was trying to analyse it with him after :joy:

Looks disappointed with that. Finished strongly but went out too easy

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