2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)



Eh, eh, eh

This could be a cracker. I like the look of that Canadian front 3.


Carrasco turned his arse to that the big baby

Ah Phonsie


Fuck it

he was off his lineā€¦ retake

Im probably the only forumite who has played club football in Canada. That hurt.


I played in a Mexican league in California. I love the crazy bastards

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Would have loved to see that go in after the Canadian start.

Poor penalty though.

Belgium are cat malojanā€¦

I played 9 games in the Halifax league, eh

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Linesman doesnā€™t know the rules

how many times did you get sent off?

The belgians are a shambles.

That should be a penalty

Could there by another pen here. A reprieve for Davies?