2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)

There you go, what a pass.

That pass :heart_eyes:

Always the way

There it is now

Thereā€™s the snap Eamon Morrissey goal for Kilkenny.


Relief for Spock

Shinned that in

they should be 5 down

Batshit ffs

Disappointing but thereā€™s still goals to be got if they keep going at them.

Gutted for Kevin Kilbane, whoā€™s made a life for himself in Canada after falling in love on Dancing On Ice.


thereā€™s no good time to concede but on a scale of 1-90 thatā€™s about in the top 10 worst times to concede

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Iā€™m working late here ane Ive just fucked my mouse pad at the screen ffs, highway robbery


Davies will have to strap Hoillet to his back

Fucking hell, have to keep that down.

he passes when he should shoot and shoots when he should pass.

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Canada are very wasteful

Decision making around the box is poor.

But there are gaping holes in Belgiumā€™s defence.

9 minutes is the best time to concede. Ireland made an art form of coming back from goals conceded after 9 minutes in big games (some of these may have been after 8 or 10 minutes).

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