2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)

That keeper is a great bit of stuff.

Should have been a goal.

He has played some great passes. You need to chill bro.

Tear Paper Tearing GIF by moodman

Argentina gameplan currently.


Sent Alvarez very wide there.

Well spotted

Fuck all wrong with that. Thats what you want to be seeing in the game.

Sure they have to he game ruined

The Saudi’s are loving this.

The game was grand until Ronaldo and Messi changed it.

Tagliofico is as slow as an ass.

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As a wet week in Tramore

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Argues need some divine intervention from El Diego

Sure they have the Pope

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With the tempo in some of the games so far, thinking USA Wales last night and again today, if you dont have pace and age on your side you will be up against it. Could be true for all sports really but it is pretty obvious here.

They could have Peter and Paul and all the saints. They’re fucking harmless

I want to see Argentinas answer to Dunphy and his reaction to this.

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A draw would have been a complete disaster beforehand I don’t even know what to describe a loss for Argentina here.

The Saudis surely cant keep this up.