2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 2)

No handshake

Martinez lol.

What a journey for Emi.

Goalies eh.

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Darragh not a fan of air thrusting

Darragh moloney…

Darragh tut tutting here like an auld wan.

You do.

Mbappe has no time for Macron


They actually made him pause for a photo :rofl:

This is dragging on a little, Maradonna was onto his 2nd bag with a floozy on each arm by this point

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Give him the golden ball

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Maloney is no Terry Wogan

Do you know what, but I was thinking the same thing a few minutes ago.


Jaysus they’re making France pose for a photo

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There’s been a murder


The Qatat lad doesn’t look too impressed in the back there

Messis robe :rofl:

What an embarrassing moment for the keeper