2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 2)

He should rip it off

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Fuck off Infantino you cunt


Who is the tanned gent next to Macron that all the Argies are hugging?

Very weird that lacy nightie they put on Messi.

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Ah lads that robe is a fucking disgrace


This is very weird behaviour.

He should have refused

Take it off ffs

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The robe has really taken from the moment.

Head of Argentinean FA apparently.

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Boys love him.

That’s the Team Argentina head tattoo artist.


Best World Cup ever

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Infantino vindicated.

They should keep it in this winter slot going forward.


Qatar can have it every time if they keep the boys in the towels where they fucking belong and take their robes with them.

Definitely. Every four years, we can’t be having fine summers evenings ruined by staying indoors to watch Peru playing Cote D’Ivoire or some suchlike.

Football wise it was unquestionably the most iconic World Cup since 1986. The narrative of the final and the way it delivered was straight out of the book of fairytales.

Pity it had to take place in that fossil fuel-funded, human rights abusing shithole but you can’t have everything and Qatar are probably marginally less bad than the previous host nation in that they’re unlikely to go invading anywhere else any time soon.


752 unread posts​:joy: An absolute cracker of a final. Messi is the :goat: in my lifetime anyway. So many talking points. I’m already looking forward to the highlights at 8.


What was the significance of the black robe they have to Messi?