2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 2)

They couldnā€™t go pasta him

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Came out and congratulated the winners too. A real man.


Thereā€™s a bit of the Mick Lyons in him.


Just looked it up there and the answer is no.

Forgot Diego Forlan won it in 2010

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Only lad who worked out how to kick that ridiculous football

Youā€™re mixing up the golden ball and boot. Messi and mbappe basically battling for both. Iā€™d say Messi has the ball wrapped up and presume heā€™s in the lead for the boot due to assists.

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The final should be traditional colours. Argentina havenā€™t worn traditional colours in a final since 1986.


Will it be? How do they decide?

Why would it not be? The colours do not clash.

Weā€™ve seen it before though havent we? Maybe Im wrong but I thought it was discussed here about where teams wear their away jersey even when they donā€™t clash

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What a beautiful man

The picture above is from the 2018 round of 16 clash. Thereā€™s no reason why those colours would not be used again.

I hate this move weā€™ve seen over the last 15-20 years for teams to move away from traditional colours.

We had Italy in all blue instead the traditional white shorts, the same with Holland moving to all orange, Portugal have mostly worn all red since 2006 instead of green shorts, Germany wore all white in 2014 and Argentina switched to white shorts in 2014 as well. England wore all white from 2012-16. France have tended to wear blue shorts instead of white.

Nike are mostly but by no means entirely to blame for these abominations.

Tradition matters.


Was it not fifa that used to ordain it? Iā€™m on your side fwiw.

I think it was but Nike were doing it well before FIFAā€™s dictat, which happened around 2014 and which I think has been abolished anyway.

Theyā€™ve turned the Portuguese in particular into a clown show for the last 16 years.

Spain is another example from this tournament, they wore all red.

Iā€™m a particular pedant about this when it comes to Argentina. The light blue and white striped shirt loses so much when paired with white shorts rather than black shorts.

Of course nobody ever messes with the Brazil colours, because thereā€™s apparently some unwritten law where they can not be messed with. But the colours of every other team can be messed with.

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Iā€™m pretty sure Brazil wore white shorts rather than blue in the 2002 World Cup and Iā€™m going to say in 2006 vs Japan too.

Think they wore white shorts vs England in the QF in 2002. But for some reason, they wore blue jerseys as well that day.

Wore yellow with white shorts against Costa Rica in 02 correct. Reason I remember is because Paulo Wanchope scored for Costa Rica and get this, I can recall some lad who I had never heard of called Edmilson scored for Brazil in the white shorts. Heā€™d go on to have a decent enough success filling in jobs at Barcelona. Couldnā€™t tell ya who else scored for Brazil that day, I could guess one of the 3 Rā€™s did but I know like my life depended on it Edmilson scored a scrappy volley or some sort.

It was a bicycle kick, unbelievable goal.