2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 2)

Fuck it, just tuning in…

Shish start for Morocco

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Give the ball to M’Bappe when he calls for it

Morocco will resemble vehicles in which crash test dummies sit by the time this is over.

That’s class from Ounahi, some player. Unlucky.

he is better than Bellingham

I don’t know if I’d go that far. But he can play.

Surely not

better touch, better pass, quicker. Bellingham has a goal.

I’d go for Ounahi all day

The experts knew

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Better footballer I suppose, but I can just see Bellingham doing wreck as a free roaming 8 in a top prem side. He has Haaland type physicality.

And the ex ref explained the rules to them and they were all left red faced.

Too much hype about Bellingham. Still has a long way to go.


Pepe was right about this World Cup

Amrabat was a bit slow to spot the initial danger for the goal. When Greizmann gone in behind he did a bit of a double take before he responded. Then he went to ground when he didn’t need to and took himself out of the game.
Maybe he could have done nothing about it but I was just watching him as he has been so good screening and digging fellas out previously.

Bellingham is a Lampard or Gerrard type I mean

It’ll be interesting to see if Argentina invoke the spirit of Diego between now and the final and beat some women.

Class Ounahi again

Boufal is an enormous waste of talent at club level

Shoddy out defending