2023/2024 Champions League Round of 8 and of 4

They’re offside

Ah I think so too. Just saying it’s relevant even though he didn’t play the ball.

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Fcukin throwing it out beforehand instead of booting it downfield was worse

That was a great European night.


They’re not - rudigers calf playing them on

That Hala Madrid chant sounds fascist.

Was extraordinary alright. It was a funny looking fumble too. He looked too upright or something like he wasn’t taking it seriously or something

Franco’s team.

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He hasn’t been a good goalkeeper for a while.


I’ve detested Madrid since the days of Emilio Butragueno.

Not as good anyway but he was having a very good game

Ancelotti is a chequebook manager. Couldn’t cut it at Everton.

Bayern blackguarded themselves more so than being blackguarded.

The Kane chance then the one on the break, then the Neuer mistake. Any of those three goes the other way and they almost certainly win it.

The one at the end looked onside but Madrid had stopped playing.

It’s not particularly inexplicable how Neuer could make that mistake. Pressure, nerves, confusion, playing in the most intimidating stadium in the world in the most pressurised atmosphere. Shit happens.


Ruined for some by a factual error from @Pirlo in the giddy aftermath - since deleted thankfully.


With goalkeeping you have to put in a 90
Minute shift. It’s no good making save after save for 89 minutes if you let in a howler on 90.


Was going to say the same. He peaked around 2014 when he saved Germany from a shock exit with a superb performance against Algeria. He’s been making high profile mistakes since 2018 against South-Korea.

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Says he’s born in Plymouth on Wikipedia, then go into early life, it says he’s born in West Germany :man_shrugging:t2:


The Kane chance was basically history repeating itself from the Jack Grealish chance to put Abu Dhabi out of sight at the same goal two years ago. The English don’t get it done in these European situations.

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