2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Not really, Morey would be passable for the last 10 minutes at midfield against tired legs but he has no aggression or ability to compete for hard balls in the middle third.

There are options coming through but it takes time though. The 20s this year had a ball of lads made for the middle third at senior - Daithi Lohan, Crotty, Oā€™Neill, Rynne and Smyth all have different skill sets but the attributes needed and will all come on stream in the next couple of years but they will need time.

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From what I gather meehawl was sick of having to beg for every bag of sliothars never mind training camps and had to listen to shite from a few of them. Hes young enough and interested enough to stay in the game, why not go where money is no object? Heā€™ll manage tipp yet, I know that sounds nuts but he has connections there.

No Collins would be years off those panels. But thatā€™s the problem with shefflin (as in its not a long term arrangement) or with our thinking, throwing shite at a wall hoping something sticks immediately instead of committing to a a long term strategy. Limerick were us not too long ago but they took the right approach and had the right man backing it (and demanding it)

As for development we churn out tons of 17 year olds who can hurl and they nearly all fall off a cliff. There has to be a pathway towards continuous improvement through self discipline and hurling, and this has to be shown, not just sending them back to clubs and hoping.


Iā€™d agree with this and said as much yesterday. He was in a catch 22 situation. Doesnā€™t offer protection to the full back line and they get roasted again heā€™d be rightly criticised.

He adjusted at half time and had the deficit wiped out pretty quickly afterwards. I donā€™t think you can expect much more from a manager. It was a 50/50 call and he went with what he saw as the safer option. 5 points is nothing in hurling these days.


Unfortunately the fuck up for the goal lost Clare the game, not the sweeper.

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All very valid, Iā€™l maintain my disagreement though in that while I agree Lyons got a lot wrong and I agree a lot went against Clare I personally find Brian Gavinā€™s writing on it very hard to warm to. Fair play to him, he has a nice earner from it but Im not overly sure of the value of what he writes.


Tipp would never allow that to happen.

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Heā€™s stone useless

I know what youā€™re saying but theyā€™ve lost their minds over limerick and would countenance anything

What was Liam Cahill like on BBC over the weekend?

Utterly bizarre he would think it was a good idea to be a pundit for the weekend.

Shane stapleton giviing out about limerick diving on his podcast. Typical tipp bitterness

I travelled back from the match with a former Galway minor who won an All Ireland not so long ago (I know thereā€™s plenty of them).

He seemed to be saying that a couple of the very best players on the team were very fond of the liquor and never really kicked on (I know that happens in every county, but usually the top players are minded a certain bit), and a few others had things that made them stand out at underage hurling but werenā€™t rounded enough at senior level, even senior club.

Refs decisions are always a talking point and itā€™s good to get an expert view on it is how Iā€™d see it.

Gavinā€™s columns have always read to me like heā€™s mates with some refs & he campaigns for them to be given finals (James McGrath previously & now Keenan) & another batch he seems to regard as foes or who he maybe saw as rivals for big appointments from his own day. Heā€™d often be petty & a bit vindictive when talking about the second group. I donā€™t think heā€™s particularly objective.


Clare 9 wides
KK 5 wides

KK very efficient again. They didnā€™t create that many scoring opportunities.

Their ability to win soft frees and TK to keep them in the game is something else.


Without a doubt the minor success can be a negative if not handled properly and it patently isnā€™t in galway. The seniors are always ripe for scrutiny but the minors are young, hurl with more abandon and are usually successful so have traditionally been the can do no wrong team. But the problem is, and Iā€™ve seen it myself, a lot of them end their development at age 18 and never consider that that should be the starting not finishing point for their hurling. The same minor medallists who were poor off their left still are ten years later. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a minor winning thing or a galway thing or both. I love NFL, in it youā€™ll see a player who has played in the league for years after being on TV multiple times in college, and earns millions a year, being fully open to coaching about footwork, hands, body position etc. But heaven forbid you try and tell a young lad from tynagh that he really needs to work on his catching, the response will be who the fuck are you anyway, Iā€™d hurl the shite out of you. And thatā€™s the mentality for a lot of them.


Mullen was outstanding yesterday

He did plenty good things and he is a hurler but I couldnā€™t believe he lasted the full 70. He looked out on his feet early enough in the second half when Clare totally took over around midfield and outscored Kilkenny 0-09 to 0-02 in the third quarter.

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Thatā€™s the diplomatic way of saying ā€˜Iā€™m not working with ye cuntsā€™

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I think youā€™ll get that with young players in every county but the best players tend to be those ones who are very open to coaching. And I think you can engrain in that culture in players from a very young age. I think it is one thing that weā€™ve generally done quite well in Limerick- thereā€™ll always be exceptions, fellas with egos who donā€™t think they have anything to learn, but generally there is an openness to coaching and wanting to improve.

But I think you have to have that attitude from age 13/14 right through to the day you retire.

Surely having the likes of Joe involved with the minor team is good in that respect; thereā€™s no way a young fella doesnā€™t listen to him. Joe himself doesnā€™t even have to be that good a coach as long as heā€™s saying the right things and getting their attitude to be about constant improvement.


I could have been some player if all those Kilkenny lads from yesterday are useless.