2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Lads will believe what they want to believe, even when faced with the truth.

That poor woman.

Completely done with football now and if the PSNI reopen the investigation, you are likely to get more witnesses like the one who posted the FB status tonight coming forward which could likely result in a prison sentence.

I heard a couple more stories about him today from a current Inter County footballer with a different county which dont paint him in a good light at all.

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The same lads will be still at. Much like an esteemed journalist based in Brazil who is trebling down on his initial stupid take now. But I find that sort of lowering of the mask no harm because it just exposes the rest of their drivel for the attention seeking nonsense it is.


Hardly matters Iā€™m afraid. Theyā€™re emboldened by the internet and will always find like minded dimwits. Itā€™s why Iā€™d never worry too much about what the likes of our friend will say. Life is far too short.

Iā€™m amazed heā€™s managed to find work for so long, for all the claims that people have known for years there wasnā€™t much word here

If ypu had known about sheila maguires statement yesterday when you declared him guilty then fair enough. But you didnā€™t, you were just a coward putting the boot in because thats what cowards do.

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Gallagher is OBSESSED with football, he has an encyclopaedic knowledge and photographic memory of games and details from years back. It would be a massive loss to him if cut out from his life.

I do fƬnd it bizarre that while Gallagher coached Killybegs Seniors for 3 years between 2018-2020, the manager of that team spoke glowingly of him in the Ulster media before the 2022 Ulster Final between Donegal and Derry.

An awful lot of people turned a blind eye it seems or just didnt want to know.

He probably should have thought about that before beating the shit out of the mother of his children.


Who will the Football hipsters turn to now that Derry are a busted flush?


Now. Thatā€™s that. End of story.

Fair play to your one who came out there and backed her up


Couple of weeks in Majorca would do the kids a world of good about now

They will to an extent. But the dimwits get replaced by dimmer wits and slowly and surely they move to the periphery.

I find the demise of our friend mostly boring but occasionally interesting. The depth of the lack of self awareness is curious. To turn from frustration to slightly edgy is a reasonably natural journey - to then discard any logic and preach louder and and louder while trying to have a unique take on everything must be so very tiring. And so completely unrewarding. And yet pride is a horrible thing for someone with too much of it.


His statement didnā€™t deny the allegations. The allegations were made in great detail. It was clear enough to anybody who wanted to see.

Heā€™s gone now.

Itā€™s also clear a blind eye was turned to this by lots of people which is also disgusting and shows Ireland is not that different a place than it was 40 years ago.


Yes, heā€™s the one thatā€™s at a loss here

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Yes. Iā€™m evidently the real coward in this horrific case.


His pregnant wife. The pregnant wife of the mother of his children

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I was going to be throwing my weight behind Conor Lavertyā€™s Down next season anyway.