2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Yesterday we had a detailed allegation mitigated by the fact that gallagher was awarded sole care of his children. Today we have evidence that makes her account significantly more credible. Yesterday you were part of a mob, nothing more. Today we’re entitled to take a side based on knowledge and evidence, Yesterday we weren’t. And all cowardly little exchanges between yourself and blue won’t change it.
You’ve never once had the balls to address a single post I’ve made, despite you’re woke sniffy criticisms and platitudes


Anyone with a modicum of intelligence could see that for the red herring it was, especially in the context of the lack of denial in the same statement. Are you trying to paint that statement as something which swung the pendulum of opinion towards disbelief of her allegations?

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Anyone with half a brain could read the post and see that i balanced the two factors. Yesterday i would have said it more than tipped the balance in his favour, today it’s firmly in her favour.

He’s not even pulled out the big guns of gambling/drugs/mental health/depression yet. Early doors.


Have you not already done a comprehensive enough job of showing how thick you are? I told you recently you’d believe anything vaguely counter to mainstream opinion and here you go again. Do you never get tired of all your bullshit takes making you look like such a fool?


No offence glas but you’ve the sensibility of a overly sensitive starry eyed schoolgirl. If yourself, @Rocko or any other participants of the circle want to address a post I’ve made then have the balls to do it.
What you said yesterday is as embarrassing as what you said today. One of the good things about forums like this is that the likes of you get a little attention from people who normally wouldn’t pay you heed. Don’t squander it.



Don’t give these lads too much credit. Yesterday they were just no marks on a witch hunt. Today they’re ecstatic that the witch turned out to be a witch. Yesterday they just had a hard on for witch hunts.
That’s the reality of it.

You know that doubling down just makes you look double as dumb. Of course you’ll keep going rather than admit what a gobshite you are. It must be an awful weight to keep the bullshit up all the time.

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Doubling down on what?

Look mate. I like you. I always have. I like your slight madness and your ‘refreshing take on modern semi-country life’. I love your knowledge of many things country/farming and i particularly love your skills at fermenting and the likes. I don’t like your hardline stance on anything covid but sure you can’t have everything. I love your ability to make shit up and make it sound real. For what its worth, im still not sure where i stand on the believabilty of your exploits as a 15yr old. Most importantly, I have nothing but admiration for you as a dude and a dad. It seems you are a man in a million with your support of your kids and fair fucks to you. I love kids and that shit means a lot to me.
I imagine that’s how that makes you bat for Gallagher and completely understand it. I’d also be a fella that fucking hates trial by media, but way aay worse is trial by social media and you were right to ask some of the questions. I just feel in my heart that the cunt did it… i know thats the worst type of hypocrite. A fella who doesnt believe in trial by social media judging a lad on social media… but it’s fucking quacking like a duck… anyway love you bro and enjoy your posting. And Gallagher is a cunt.


I’d give that a nice post if I could.

Shur i can hardly believe them myself

I didn’t bat for gallagher, i just didn’t put the boot in yesterday when there was only an accusation and a court judgement. You’re alluding to the fact that i might have a bias as a single father. You’re absolutely right- but i consiously didn’t let that interfere with anything i said. I didn’t castigate her or pay any heed to the WhatsApp attackingher, i didn’t allude to substance abuse and i didn’t say any of it didn’t happen. I’m well aware of my biases. Lads like rocko and glas havent the balls to ask a straight question or challenge any of the hundreds of posts they supposedly object to. It’s genuinely pathetic, dishonest and unmanly.


That says it all really. @rocko should exchange some allusions with @myboyblue about ‘the lads’. And @myboyblue only laughing at the useful idiot

A tour de force. He does his best work after dark

Thanks btw. That’s a first

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It might not be real to be fair. @Ewan the oddball madman told me to be kind and im really trying…
Chances are you’re madder than a hamster who got fed sherbet dibdabs as an experiment.


Even @BruidheanChaorthainn wouldn’t bet on that

Bouquets of flowers and the roaring of the crowd!

I remember someone on here saying cluxron was an oddball because he headed down the tunnel after the final whistle in an all-ireland. Shur he had a speeches to make, a medal to collect, photos etc. In all humility i thought it made perfect sense. The lad was just moving on to the next thing, big or small.