2023 Club Championships

What was he signalling there

No idea.

Something happened off the ball. Johnny loves an off the ball free

Super score

David Burke is a legend


Hon Toms

Vintage quick release point from Burke

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Beautiful strike from Burke, very enjoyable game

This is tremendous fun


Sounds like a great atmosphere. Ballygunnar don’t like it up them

This is fantastic. In fairness Murphy is reffing it well since the soft yellows.

Great cut to Thomas’s. They havev knocked ballygunner out of their stride in the last 10 mins

Be nice to see Ballygunnar beaten. The ref not doing Thomas’s any harm anyway.

The Ballygunnar drone footage editor is furiously collating his analysis here


Murphy is going to be a factor in this game before the game is out. A disaster waiting to happen

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A lovely winter warmer.

The missed frees helped but good game so far. Now what will they do against the wind. Sitting back might stifle BGs use it F space in the forwards

Great half. But that’s a ferocious breeze. Now BG won’t use it as much but you’d imagine they’ll pick off scores from further out.

Toms need to keep the hits coming and block up the middle. Get a few goals to keep them ticking

Shame they are using separate dressing rooms because a achmozzle there would have suited Thomas’s to the ground and really tested BG appetite for it. Good game though.

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A decent affair this, the setting and timing is key I feel

Managers should never be carrying a hurl