2023 Club Championships

A Coughlan special.

Some dive from Conor Cooney ha

In fairness he got a shoulder to the head

It was a free to be fair but he did a right swan dive to make sure

Twas a point alright. Top umpiring

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Big free here for Cooney, usually misses these with Galway.

Nails it.

It’s not very clear either way

Ball disappears behind the post. It’s a point


Clearly a point. There is no doubt about it

I thought that frame kind of froze but it could well have been

Hospital pass there to nr 4


Lots of linesmen there

And a shocker of a clearance before it. Very lucky to get away with both



Some catch and point

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Hon Cooney. Wouldn’t doubt ya boi

Beautiful score

Clutch from Conor Cooney.

Paddy Leavy is having a bad night

Look at this shit