2023 Club Championships

They love their hurling down there mate

Kiladangan having some success when they run at Sars. Will Cahill be calling in Connors?

Sars have wrestled back control, some bad decisions by Kiladangan.

Congrats @Midshipman_Asha

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Good finish here

What a finish, what a pass

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Great goal, had the balls to go for it and not take the handy point

A classic Ronan Maher wide :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Jaysus Maher. Heartbreak

Keeper not great there

Dublin ref with the big day haircut


What’s the story with that Declan McGrath fella? What age is he?

@Fat_Pox @endakenny etc

Why are we watching the tipp speeches when the dublin final has already started !!


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Very poor shooting at the start but Na Fianna settling

Great goal for Currie.

Na Fianna well on top, Boden very poor so far.

Another goal for Currie

Was John Hanbury playing for Amsterdam?

COLT-SHANAHOE: Darragh Hiney; Ivan Ryan, Brian Guilfoyle, Dan Butler; Robert Delaney, Arran McGowan, Dylan Cuddy; Dayle Bergin, Eoin Joyce; Michael O’Connor, Cian Moffitt, Ben McDonald; Nathan Dunne, Robbie Moffitt and Josh Hickey. Subs: Colm Kavanagh for Robbie Moffitt (25 mins), Enda Mulhall for Eoin Joyce (40 mins), Ger Doolin for Ivan Ryan (40 mins), Paudie McDonald for Michael O’Connor (51 mins) and Mark McDonald for Josh Hickey (57 mins).

AMSTERDAM: Shane Corridan; James Daly, Edward Gaffey, Paddy Herlihy; Brian O’Malley, Peter Quinn, Adrian O’Mahoney; Con Mahon, Graham McDermott; Fergal Walsh, Luke Ryan, Sean Kinarney; Shane Ahern, Cian O’Riain Broin and Colm Power. Subs: Sean Kinsella for Fergal Walsh (25 mins), Tom Cussen for Shane Ahern (ht) and John Murphy for Sean Kinarney (61 mins).


He’s been working out there for a few years now. Thought he might be playing this year. Not sure he’s with RHN.