2024 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Armagh will have to rein in their natural instinct to do something stupid and even things up here

That’s the second soft free for the Armagh keeper miles outside his small square

Campbell playing well as the extra man. Finding the spaces that hurt Roscommon

Stefan Campbell is some player to be able to bring off the bench.

She’ll probably be full time with the Department of Justice but would be an interesting appointment for sure, would like to see how the boys from South Armagh in particular would react😂 I’ll get my coat…

Go to bed, you’ve had enough!

Ball burst

Brilliant wrap-around tackle says Cavanagh :roll_eyes:

Is that not Murphy?

Probably is. He’s equally painful tbf

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Master of the obvious

Armagh are still a bunch of gym monkeys who can’t kick a point from 30 yards


Roscommon are just monkeys

It’s all just very sad. Why has it to be like this?

Cause Roscommon aren’t as good


Like a league quarter-final in 1993.

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Jesus. What’s the breakdown per county

PJ has a serious dad bod

Cian O Sullivan is seriously posh.

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The only team Armagh would beat to get to an All Ireland semi

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