2024 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

That was no more a head injury now :man_shrugging:t2:

Fallon lucky to stay on the field previous to that

Roscommon really are pointless.

Roscommon must have 70% of the ball here


Might as well start them on minus ten points.

Going to be a tough 8 or so days for split season zealots.

Jim’ll fix ut

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Maybe if you give teams an equal chance teams would play a more attractive brand of football.

That should have been a second goal for Ard Mhacha if he’d avoided palming it and took a shot. He had the time and space.

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Luck ran out. That was harmless enough tbf

Goodnight god bless Rossies

Massive jeopardy next year in the round robin when teams realise it’s win the group or bust.

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Harsh enough?

It was already waved wide.

Ah ref. That was just a mistimed tackle.

Armagh are a good box office semi finalist at least

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Not much going right for the Rossies.

Two points is nothing considering how poorly the Rossies have played

Davy Burke will do some whingeing after this.

In other words a foul.

As poor as Roscommon have been they are only 2 behind somehow.

If Armagh lose this against 14 men, will we see a McConille/McEntee ticket in charge next year?