First Preference
- FF
- FG
- SF
- Labour
- Soc Dems
- Independent
- People before Logic
- Greens
- Aontú
First Preference
Second Preference
Third Preference
Votes should be private. Lets see if TFK has it’s finger on the pulse
Good luck with that!
I think the lefty crusty headbangers will be cancelled out by the far right loons and we will be left with a load of farmers voting for FFG
Similar to real life
The only politician tjat actually came to the door was ff, well when we were in the far leftie loons came while i was at work which ruled me out of their demographic. Had a good chjat with the ffer, thank him as he was the only one who came out and highlighted concerns about petty crime in the area and guards lack of resources to tackle it
based on the early votes, the Greens will be in power.
this may not tie back to the actual election
TFK surprisingly green. I voted green number one just for you mate
The Limericks will swing it back to independents
ROD alone would have got 50% of the first preferences
FF and SF on 0 votes each with 32 votes in.
No Fianna Fail voter owns a mobile phone or computer so they won’t be worried.
But SF are supposed to be down with the young (now angry middle aged) people.
The TFKIFSCPIRA brigade is dead.
FF highest second preference but lowest first preference.
That transfer friendlieness could be enough for them
Green Party will suffer like SF in 2020. Will regret not running 2 in every constituency based on this poll
The Toibin Tornado is legit
FAO TFK politicos: is there some benefit for those candidates you prefer if you fully complete the ballot? As in, should I just stop after giving a preference to the bundle I find tolerable/possibly competent or give literally every headbanger a number, even if ranking them last?
If you’ve no strong preference on which headbanger you want to keep down then it doesn’t matter a whole pile. But if there was a couple you really don’t like then you could vote all the way down.
Fill it all the way down bar the headbangers. The battle for the last seat in Dublin in the European elections between Aodhan O’Riordain and Niall Boylan was an object lesson why.
You had 8s and 9s or even 13s or 14s for O’Riordain from FF and FG voters trumping 15s or blanks for Boylan which put Aodhan way over the top on the final count.
Dublin Central could come down to a battle between Hutch and Steenson for the last seat and in that case I’d be wanting my number 1 Green vote which transfers number 8 to Hutch to beat my number blank vote for Steenson.
I’m not in Dublin Central so all of this is made up.
Yes, a well worked vote can be worth 1.3 votes
Not one candidate personally or representatives called to my door, TG.